Text-Only Instructions

Within your account, you have the ability to download an archive of your account. This includes any uploaded media, posts, follows, lists, people you’ve blocked and muted, domain blocks, and bookmarks. You also get your avatar and header images.

The steps for downloading an archive of your account are the same whether or not your account is active or suspended.

  1. Go to disabled.social on a computer. Log in.
  2. Preferences–>Import and export–>Data export
  3. You will see a table listing all of the data for your account.
  4. Individually download all of the .csv files for follows, lists, you block, you mute, domain blocks, and bookmarks.
  5. Below table the table, click ‘request archive’ button. Your archive is ready to download when you see “download your archive.”
  6. Click “download your archive” to open up a file explorer window. Choose where to save the file.

If you are having trouble downloading your data, please contact us at: mastmd@cmdoms.com.